Friday 26 November 2010

White paper approach on sex ed is deeply concerning

The government's approach to sex and relationships education included in the White Paper on Schools issued yesterday is deeply concerning.

As Paul Tully, SPUC's general secretary, told the media this morning:
"The Schools White Paper refers to 'high-quality' sex and relationships education, apparently ignoring the corrupting and depraved kind of lessons to which very many children are now subjected. Parents have recently condemned a widely-used primary school SRE programme as 'kiddie porn'. SRE has become yet another avenue for sexualising the culture in which children have to live, and SRE is a main vehicle for teaching young teenagers how to access abortion without reference to their parents. Parents must not let their sense of outrage at this be assuaged by bland assurances from politicians and well-meaning teachers. The lives of unborn children and the health and happiness of many thousands of young people are at stake.

"Furthermore, the government seems set to ignore the research which demonstrates the comprehensive failure of typical UK classroom sex education to improve outcomes like abortion rates. The evidence must be recognised, and the policies must be changed."
UK pro-lifers concerned about the government's approach should email for more information and action points.

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