The government consultation on so-called “equal civil marriage” ended on 14 June. Thank you very much to all those SPUC supporters who responded to the consultation. The government have said that they plan to issue a response by the end of the year.
In the meantime, we must concentrate our attention on MPs. We must not wait until the government produces its proposed legislation. We must get ahead of the game.
Order the revised Real Marriage leaflet (see sample picture above) and distribute it – door to door, through churches, etc. The previous version which encouraged people to respond to the consultation is now redundant.
Branches should distribute the revised Real Marriage leaflets in a systematic, organised way in local areas. This means asking supporters to leaflet particular streets in your neighbourhood with a view to reaching as many homes as we possibly can.
You can order a supply of the leaflets by contacting SPUC HQ:
- by email to orders@spuc.org.uk
- by telephone 020 7091 7091
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