Thursday 5 July 2012

Support the Rally for Life, Belfast this Saturday

Liam Gibson, SPUC Northern Ireland's development officer, has sent me the following notice about this Saturday's Rally for Life in Belfast:
"The annual All-Ireland Rally for Life will take place this year in Belfast on Saturday 7th July and SPUC is encouraging anyone who can to come along to Custom House Square at 2 pm for what is always a very colourful and enjoyable event. The rally provides an important opportunity for pro-lifers to demonstrate publicly their opposition to the culture of death. In previous years the rally has played a vital role in the campaign against the extension of the Abortion Act as well as highlighting the threat posed by the Northern Ireland health department's misleading guidance to doctors on the Province's abortion laws. Recently Jim Wells, the deputy chairman of the Stormont health committee, referred to SPUC's successful judicial review of the guidance as the cavalry riding to the rescue. But as Jim has also pointed out the victories of the pro-life movement in the North could be wiped out if abortion on demand becomes available south of the border.

The Republic of Ireland is one of the last nations in Europe to maintain a complete ban on abortion. The only other country is Malta and like Malta, Ireland also leads the world in the prevention of deaths arising from pregnancy and childbirth. This is positive proof that women's lives can be protected without the legalisation of abortion. It is for this reason the international abortion lobby are more determined than ever to overturn Ireland's constitutional protection of unborn children.

Ireland has never been in greater danger than it is at present. Developments in the Republic in the next 12 months will be decisive. The battle has already begun and it's up to the pro-life people in Northern Ireland as well as the Republic to ensure that culture of death is defeated. Anyone who wants to find out more about how they can help save women and children from abortion should make a point of being at the Rally for Life this Saturday."
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