Wednesday 18 July 2012

Women around the world respond to Melinda Gates' controversial plans

Last week Melinda Gates held a family planning summit, the focus of which was the promotion of contraceptive devices to women in poor countries. So far an estimated US$4.6 billion dollars has been raised by this summit to promote contraceptives in the developing world.

In this short video, produced by Human Life International, women around the world respond to Melinda Gates' controversial plans for them, and her supposed charitable assistance. Although the women in the video are addressing Melinda Gates, the same points they make could just as appropriately be made to David Cameron, who addressed the summit and whose government is spending huge amounts of money promoting contraception and abortion in the developing world.

See previous SPUC releases and blog posts on this issue.
SPUC has published an extensive briefing on how the British government, through the Department for International Development (DfID), has repeatedly spent tens of millions of pounds funding abortion and contraception overseas, at the expense of real care: food and basic medical care. Earlier this year SPUC held a conference with some of world's leading experts on maternal care. Sadly, their organisations do not have the backing of international governments and billionaires such as Melinda Gates.

This post first appeared on the SPUC Why I am Pro-Life blog on Monday 16 July 2012.

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