Thursday 1 October 2009

Suicidal and vulnerable people abandoned because of Mental Capacity Act

SPUC Pro-Life has commented on the tragic death of Kerrie Wooltorton (pictured) and warned that vulnerable, suicidal patients like her are being abandoned because of the Mental Capacity Act.

Anthony Ozimic of SPUC Pro-Life commented: "If Kerrie Wooltorton's doctors decided not to treat her because her intention was suicide, they assisted her suicide. Assisting suicide is still a crime, and a prosecution should be considered in this case to highlight the perverse state of the law. It appears from press reports that doctors either did not have regard for the concerns of M/s Wooltorton's relatives, or that they ignored their wishes. Her death occurred before the Mental Capacity Act came into force, yet it is being used to justify denying her right to live.

"The coroner's verdict in this case is disgraceful. It sends out the message that if you are depressed and attempt suicide, doctor's need not treat you. Depressed people are being officially treated as worthless. It is clear that M/s Wooltorton's relatives regarded her as having committed suicide while suffering from depression.

"At the time the Mental Capacity Act was passed, SPUC Pro-Life said Parliament should reject it because suicidal patients would be abandoned. The government dismissed our concerns and Kerrie Wooltorton is dead as a result. The Mental Capacity Act is a charter for euthanasia by neglect. Gordon Brown and David Cameron claim they're against assisted suicide. They should now agree to scrap the Mental Capacity Act before more vulnerable people die."

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