Friday 20 November 2009

Climate change theory no excuse for misanthropy

I am concerned that the fear of man-made climate change is being used to foster misanthropy, such as the anti-human practices of abortion, contraception and population control.

UNFPA (the United Nations Population Fund) issued a report this week which argued that climate change should be combatted by reducing population growth through contraception. UNFPA, one of the world's leading anti-life agencies, is complicit in China's brutal population control programme. The core of that programme is a one-child policy implemented by forced abortions, forced sterilisations, compulsory fittings of abortifacient birth control devices, abandonment of children and deliberate killing of orphans through neglect. Coercion is exercised through stiff penalties which include extortionate fines, destruction of property, imprisonment and even torture.

It is refreshing to note that some environmental campaigners reject population control as a means of combatting global warming. It is an inhuman way to solve human problems by eliminating humans. As Pope Paul VI told the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation in 1974:
"It is inadmissible that those who have control of the wealth and resources of mankind should try to resolve the problem of hunger by forbidding the poor to be born."
The claim that man-made carbon dioxide omissions threaten to cause catastrophic global warming is a scientific theory and one that must be considered seriously and objectively. As it is a theory, it cannot be asserted with certainty that people will die if developed countries don't agree to further reductions in carbon omissions. What can be asserted with certainty is that abortion kills millions of innocent human beings every year; and that there is an ever-increasing push to promote abortion and population control in the developing world. Whatever the evidence regarding man-made global warming, the right to life and the right to found a family are fundamental, universal human rights enshrined in legally-binding international conventions, such as the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, which marks its 20th anniversary today.

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