Monday 21 December 2009

Blair's Catholicism questioned in Guardian column

Hugh O'Shaughnessy rightly reminded Guardian readers last Thursday that there is a very serious question as to whether Tony Blair is a Catholic.

Mr O'Shaughnessy's article cites Monsignor Michel Schooyans, one of the Vatican's leading scholars. Earlier this year, Monsignor Schooyans presented a masterly analysis of the political agenda of Barack Obama and Tony Blair at the plenary assembly of the pontifical academy of social sciences in Rome. He pointed out that Obama and Blair, with their anti-life, anti-family agenda, are seeking to undermine both law and religion respectively.

Given Tony Blair's well-known continued desire for high political office, it's important that the public and the Church keep in mind that, since being received into the Catholic Church, Tony Blair has been, very publicly, seeking to undermine the faith he purports to hold.

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