Thursday 3 December 2009

Book now for the 3rd Int'l Youth Pro-Life Conference, March 2010

Lucy McCully, education officer at SPUC Scotland, has sent me the information below about the 3rd International Youth Pro-Life Conference, 19-21 March, 2010, Beardmore Hotel, Glasgow, Scotland. The theme of this year's conference is: "'I exist, therefore I am': Exploring personhood and dignity".

Lucy writes:
"The 3rd International Youth Pro-Life Conference promises to be better than ever. This year we will be exploring the concept of personhood with respect to abortion, euthanasia and embryo experimentation. This residential weekend will include a programme of expert international speakers in the fields of Bioethics, Philosophy, Human Rights, Post Abortion Trauma and much more. As well as listening to excellent speakers, the delegates will be able to converse with pro-life organisations from all over the world.

"This conference is an excellent opportunity for young people from across the globe to network and socialise, make friends and empower one another to spread the pro- life message. The cost for the weekend is only £80 which includes food, accommodation and conference fees.

"If you are aged between 16 and 35 years and would like to attend this fun-filled weekend, please contact Lucy McCully on or + 44(0)141 221 2094. Please also visit where you will be able to book via PayPal shortly.

"To see a glimpse of last year's conference, see the video report and look us up on Facebook"
(please note that this programme is subject to change. Regular updates on speakers and programme will be posted on

  • 4pm registration
  • dinner
  • introduction and welcome
  • informal ice breaker: movie and popcorn
Session 1 The Embryo
  • "Establishing life from conception" Stephen Barrie MA, Linacre Centre
  • "When does personhood begin?" Dr Clare McGraw MA
  • "NaPro technplogy - a pro-life alternative to IVF" Dr Eileen Reilly MD, consultant obstetrician & gynaecologist
Session 2: Abortion
  • "Personhood of the unborn child" Stephen Barrie MA, Linacre Centre
  • "Abortion as a racial issue" Rev. Arnold Culbreath, Protecting Black Life, US
Session 3: Euthanasia
  • "What is dignity?" Dr Clare McGraw MA
  • "Personhood of the sick and elderly"
  • "Euthanasia – a personal story"
  • workshops
Dinner and party

Session 1: What can we do?
  • "Crisis Pregnancy Help" Sr Rosannne Reddy, Cardinal Winning Pro-Life Initiative
  • "Post Abortion Help" Margaret Cuthill, British Victims of Abortion (BVA)
  • international pro-life groups
Session 2: panel

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