Wednesday 30 December 2009

Pro-lifers are warned not to become pharmacists

A commentary by Liz Hoggard in yesterday's Independent newspaper, entitled A morning-after pill is best served without a sermon, is a sign of the direction in which Britain and much of Europe is going.  Her message for pro-life and pro-family Britons is:
A job in a registry office that conducts same-sex civil partnerships may not be for you. Don't open a hotel or a B&B if you think you will want to turn away certain sections of the community. And most of all, please don't become a pharmacist.
This is why Britain urgently needs the kind of leadership I noted yesterday in Spain.

As my colleague José Pérez Adán (pictured right), professor of sociology at Valencia university, put it to me regarding the Spanish government's abortion law, recently passed by the Spanish parliament's lower house:
" ... if the law goes as it is, we'll have to break it. This means we will be punished: fines, detention and maybe imprisonment ... "
The conscientious objection of parents to their children being provided with access to abortion is already being swept aside by the British government in schools in England and Wales, including Catholic schools.

It's essential that we do everything in our power to stop this situation getting even worse, by opposing the government's Children, Schools and Families Bill. The bill threatens both children and families as never before in our country. Once again I  urge readers in Britain to please read our alert and act now by writing to Gordon Brown and your MP.

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