Monday 11 January 2010

House of Commons to debate compulsory sex ed bill today

The House of Commons will this afternoon debate the government's plans for sex education in all state primary and secondary schools. The second reading of the Children, Schools and Families bill will start at 2.30pm. SPUC will be commenting after the debate's conclusion this evening and will be available for interviews.

The bill seeks to force schools to prime children for adolescent sex. This is a clear example of pursuing ideology despite the evidence. The teenage pregnancy policies pursued over the past 10 years have encouraged escalating rates of sexual diseases, the further sexualisation of culture, and continuing high abortion rates among teenagers, especially younger teenagers. The bill's proposals for compulsory sex education have been framed by the pro-abortion lobby and will help to keep abortion rates high. Not since the Abortion Act 1967 has there been such a determined effort to promote universal access to abortion. For the sake of our children and grandchildren, we call upon MPs to speak out against the bill's proposals today.

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