Sunday 10 January 2010

New abortion drama looks interesting

A new film on abortion exploring the abortion issue looks likely to spark controversy.

Entitled “South Dakota: A woman's right to choose”, the film-makers say it represents "both sides" - although at least one of those attending advance screenings in the US says it leans towards the pro-life side.

According to a CNA report, this "is a movie that dramatizes the stories of two teenage girls who become pregnant unexpectedly. Interspersed with the action are interviews and sound clips of various pro-abortion and pro-life advocates ... The movie was produced by Howard Kazanjian, (Star Wars Return of the Jedi, Indiana Jones Raiders of the Lost Ark.) It will be marketed by Motive Entertainment (The Passion of the Christ, The Polar Express, The Chronicles of Narnia, Expelled)."

Sounds interesting. I look forward to seeing the film and reviewing it in a future post.

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