Thursday 3 June 2010

Pregnant women in northern Italy given support, not abortion

I was interested to read this morning in an article in the Daily Telegraph, that pregnant women in the north of Italy, living in difficult economic situations, will receive financial support from the government. The policy was initiated by Roberto Formignoni (pictured), governonr of the Lombardy region.

The initiative reminds me of the words and work of my friend Sr Roseann Reddy, of the Sisters of the Gospel of Life. Sr Roseanne says that when pregnant women are living in poverty we should be working to get rid of the poverty, not the baby.

It is heartening to see a politician breaking from the popular trend in this crucial area of maternal care. For the most part, pregnant women are left to fend for themselves, while governments promote, encourage and fund abortions. The latest example of this in the UK occurred last week as the governement allowed the airing of a TV advertisement by Marie Stopes, the international abortion group. But abortion doesn't help anybody - it simply kills children, harms women and lines the pockets of the multi-billion dollar abortion industry.

It was sad, but predictable, to read in the Telegraph's article that pro-abortion activists have criticised the new policy. Pro-abortion groups do not offer women real help. Instead they falsely claim to stand for choice, while constantly trying to convince women that abortion is their only option.

In the UK it is only small groups, such as The Good Counsel Network and their supporters, that offer women real help and alternatives to abortion.

It is my hope that more politicians across the world will promote such measures to offer women real help, instead of simply funding abortion providers.

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