Thursday 16 June 2011

Join the All-Ireland Rally for Life on Saturday 2 July, Dublin

This year's All-Ireland Rally for Life will be held in Dublin on 2 July. This is a truly exciting event - see the YouTube video below. Pat Buckley, SPUC's representative in Ireland, told me that:
"This year's All-Ireland Rally for Life comes at a critical time for the future of unborn babies in Ireland. The junior party in Ireland’s coalition government, the Labour Party, is pro-abortion. Also, pro-abortion groups are putting pressure on the Irish government to legislate for the introduction of abortion, citing the decision of the European Court of Human Rights last December.

This must be firmly resisted. It not only undermines the right to life of the unborn but also undermines the will of the Irish people."
Please visit the Get Involved page on the Rally website. You can also keep updated about the Rally via Twitter, Facebook and YouTube.

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