Sunday 26 June 2011

Top conference on Down's Syndrome to be held in Cambridge in September

Lynn Murray of SPUC's Edinburgh branch, who has a daughter with Down's Syndrome, is recommending a conference in Cambridge on 17 September, organised by the Down's Syndrome Research Foundation (DSRF) UK. The focus of the DSRF and its conference is finding a medicine to treat Down's Syndrome, instead of killing unborn children suspected of having the condition. The conference will be opened by Madame Jérôme Lejeune, wife of the late Professor Jérôme Lejeune, who was a President of SPUC. He discovered the cause of Down's Syndrome and devoted his life to research into a cure for the condition. In 1990 the SPUC Educational Research Trust set up the Anna Fund to fund Professor Lejeune's research. In 1996 the Anna Fund opened the first Lejeune clinic in London. Also addressing the conference will be Dr Henri Blehaut, the research director of the Fondation Jerome Lejeune, which also continues the great professor's work.

At this year's International Youth Pro-Life Conference, Lynn spoke powerfully from both personal experience and research knowledge about the challenge that Down's Syndrome poses to society. That challenge is to put aside common preconceptions about disability and embrace the inestimable value of disabled people. Lynn supports strongly the DSRF's work and so I very glad to promote its conference - see its website for full details.

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