Thursday 25 August 2011

Today's must-read pro-life news-stories, Thu 25 Aug

Abp. Charles Chaput
Top stories:

Swiss primary school children given "sex box" to explore sexual pleasure
Primary school children in Basel have been given a "sex box" to encourage them to explore sexual pleasure. The box includes a wooden penis and a fabric vagina. Officials in Basel have received 3,000 letters of complaints from parents. [Christian Institute, 24 August] SPUC's Safe At School campaign helps parents fight against similar sex education programmes in the UK.

US vice-president backtracks on one-child policy comments
Joe Biden, the US vice-president, has backtracked on comments in China which implied sympathy for China's one-child policy. In a later statement Mr Biden's spokesman said that both he and the Obama administration condemned the policy. [Washington Times, 24 August] Both the US and UK governments fund pro-abortion population control agencies which are complicit in the policy.

Other stories:

Sexual ethics
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