Wednesday 3 August 2011

Dana is considering nomination for Irish presidential election

RTE is reporting:
"Sources close to Dana Rosemary Scallon (pictured) have said she is considering seeking a nomination for the Presidential election."
For my overseas visitors, the Presidential election concerned is the Irish presidential election.

Dana, the international recording artist who, for over 40 years, has been one of Ireland's most successful entertainers is also a tried and tested politician.

Most important of all, she is a champion of the Irish citizens' primacy over the Irish constitution - and she has fought to defend the Irish constitution's definition and protection of the family, its protection of parents' rights, the right to life of the unborn child, the right to a fair trial and the right to strike".

For the sake of the Irish people, and for the sake of a Europe based on justice for the weakest members of the community, I do hope Dana decides to run.

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