Wednesday 5 November 2008

MPs' pro-life leader gives perplexing support to Obama

In the light of the result US presidential election, which represents an incalculable setback for humanity, the following UK parliamentary motion is of particular interest:


That this House looks forward to the election of Senator Barack Obama as President of the United States of America.

Our pro-life friends and colleagues in the US may well be as perplexed as I am when they learn that among the signatories is Jim Dobbin, chairman of the All-Party Parliamentary Pro-Life Group (APPPLG) in the UK parliament.

In the light of Barack Obama's radical anti-life record, position, and intended policies, on which I blogged earlier this week, I am seeking a meeting with Mr Dobbin to ask how his support for this Early Day Motion can be justified in view of his position as a leader of a pro-life group. I also blogged this week on the completely untenable position of Claire Curtis-Thomas as a vice-chairman of the All-Party Parliamentary Pro-Life Group - who confirmed her anti-life position in a letter to a SPUC supporter in her constituency, having made her pro-abortion position clear in May.