"The fact that teenagers felt able to end their pregnancy in abortion is actually a positive sign."
"Abortion is a blessing ... [W]hen a woman becomes pregnant within a loving, supportive, respectful relationship; has every option open to her; decides she does not wish to bear a child; and has access to a safe, affordable abortion – there is not a tragedy in sight -- only blessing.Let's remind ourselves of what abortion is. A human being (a fact confirmed by every embryological textbook) in his or her mother's womb is intentionally killed, usually either by chemical means or by dismemberment. Every day, innocent children, male and female, from every race and class, are killed by abortion (550 every day in Britain; 3,300 every day in America.) Women all over the world report physical and psychological harm from abortion.
Certain populist, polemical commentators (sometimes called "shock-jocks") make extreme, generalised statements, aimed at attracting publicity or to vent their spleen. The sad thing is that Ms Furedi and Ms Ragsdale are entirely serious in their opinions. Even more sad is abortion itself, a truly inhuman way to (try and fail to) solve human problems. Let's put human compassion at the heart of our response to the needs of women instead.