Thursday 24 September 2009

Malta stands up for life and family at the United Nations

Pat Buckley has this week been representing SPUC at the the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva, Switzerland, and he has just sent me the following report:
"The United Nations Human Rights Council reviews periodically the situation on human rights in UN member-states. The council has just released the report of its review of Malta. In the review process, the Maltese government 'reiterate[d] that the right to life is an inherent right of every human being – this includes the unborn child, from its conception. We will retain our existing national legislation on the question of abortion.' Malta also made clear its opinion that 'whether or not to legislate to recognize the relationship between two partners, irrespective of their sex, remains a matter of national competence.'

"The Holy See (the government of the Catholic Church) supported Malta within the council by recommending that Malta 'continue its policy in defence of the right to life' and 'continue its policy to protect the family as the natural and fundamental group unit of society based on the stable relationship between a man and a woman.'

"Malta's resolute and courageous stand for life and family values in the face of considerable pressure from pro-abortion and anti-family forces is to be commended. The Holy See is also to be commended for supporting Malta's pro-life and pro-family laws."
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