Thursday 10 September 2009

Obama's speech to Congress contains "political hoax" on abortion

Yesterday, I warned visitors to my blog not to be fooled by President Obama's upcoming speech (last night) on health care reform. Just as I predicted, he sought to mislead Congress and US citizens by claiming "no federal dollars will be used to fund abortion".

Significantly, in his speech, Obama failed to promise to support language that explicitly prohibits the use of taxpayers' money for abortion.

Mary Harned, of Americans United for Life (AUL), says: "No matter how President Obama and Congress change the structure of the health care reform proposals ... any legislation that provides government funding for health care must contain explicit language that excludes abortion. Abortion is not health care; however, based on how courts have interpreted Medicaid, we know that courts will interpret any legislation relating to government-funded health care as requiring abortion coverage unless there is an explicit prohibition (like Hyde)."

AUL, the first national pro-life organization in America, explains here how Barack Obama's health care proposals mandate abortion funding.

And Douglas Johnson, legislative director for the National Right to Life Committee (NRLC), provides a useful commentary on the abortion myths in Obama's speech last night which you can find here. Johnson says: "The claim that a federal agency would be spending private funds on abortion, not federal funds, is absurd on its face, a political hoax".

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