The FT story begins: "Barack Obama will cement the new co-operative relationship between the US and the United Nations this month when he becomes the first American president to chair its 15-member Security Council".
A major aspect of this "new co-operative relationship" is funding of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) - funding that was cut under President Bush. One of Barack Obama's first actions as President was to restore funding to UNFPA which is complicit in the promotion of the right to abortion throughout the world and in the forced-abortion, one-child policy, in China.
Thoraya Ahmed Obaid, director of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) said in Berlin this month: "We're sure happy that the US will come back as an active member in support of the UNFPA".
In connection with Obama's chairmanship of the United Nations Security Council, it's relevant to recall that earlier this year Dr Henry Kissinger, the former US Secretary of State, called on Barack Obama to "develop an overall strategy for America when, really, new world order can be created". Henry Kissinger, as US President Nixon's Secretary of State, was the author of the infamous NSSM 200 (National Security Study Memorandum 200), which recommended that the United States should promote population control in the developing world in order to secure American interests.
In addition, as Monsignor Michel Schooyans, one of the Vatican's leading scholars, has said, Barack Obama can count on support for his worldwide promotion of the culture of death from Tony Blair, the UK's former prime minister, and his wife Cherie Booth: " ... This plan cannot be realized except at the price of the sacrifice of religious freedom, of the imposition of a 'politically correct' interpretation of the Sacred Scriptiures, and of the sabotage of the natural foundations of law ... ", Monsignor Schooyans has pointed out in a masterly analysis in which he describes the Obama-Blair agenda as an "unprecendented form of political-legal terrorism".
However, as I said at SPUC's national conference last week, the pro-life movement will prevail. For all their power and money, the leaders of the culture of death, have completely failed to change the universal consensus on the right to life expressed in human rights instruments agreed at the United Nations. And one of the greatest achievements of the worldwide pro-life movement is that we exist. We’re here; we’re growing; we’re passing on our experiences of failures and successes to the next generation who are beginning to join us in growing numbers. These present terrors will pass and our pro-life work, which already contains many signs of hope and encouragement, will succeed.
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