Friday 2 September 2011

Book now for US conference on abortion and its aftermath

Vicki Thorn
Book now for the Healing Vision International Conference on abortion and its aftermath. The conference brings together experts from both research and counselling backgrounds and promises to provide an excellent forum for all those interested in the emotional consequences of abortion.

Speakers include psychologists such as Dr Catherine Coyle, who has developed a highly effective course for men struggling to come to terms with their part in the abortion process and Althea Hayton, who survived the abortion that killed her twin and will be talking about her work with womb twin survivors.

Booking information
Location: The Radisson Hotel Milwaukee West, 2303 North Mayfair Road, Milwaukee, WI 53226.

Date: Wednesday, 26 October - Saturday, 29 October, 2011

Cost: $250 for delegates registering before 1st October, $350 after this date. The cost includes a continental breakfast each morning, lunch and a banquet on the Friday evening.
Places can be booked online or by contacting organiser Vicki Thorn at

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