Monday 19 September 2011

Peter Saunders given Pro-Life Hero 2011 award at SPUC's annual national conference

At SPUC's 2011 annual national conference yesterday, Peter Saunders, campaign director of the Care Not Killing Alliance and head of the Christian Medical Fellowship, was given the Pro-Life Hero 2011 award.

He was chosen for the award by SPUC Evangelicals, whose patrons include leading national Christian figures such as Dr Peter Forster (Anglican Bishop of Chester), Baroness Caroline Cox, Tim Montgomerie (Conservative Home) and Anne Atkins, the broadcaster.

Jan Bell of SPUC Evangelicals presented Peter with the award, saying:
"We have become particularly aware of the way in which you have been at the forefront in the defence of human life and in protecting innocent vulnerable babies. Our taxes being used to fund such dreadful practices as abortion and euthanasia, directly in opposition to God’s Word. It is part of our Christian witness to object to and campaign against such practices.

In your position as General Secretary of the Christian Medical Fellowship, you have stood firm; publishing new findings about the long term consequences for women after abortion and strengthening the position of the organisation in its ethical stand. As a leader you have been quoted by national newspapers and even been individually censored. You are targeted by anti-life commentators but are a convincing and effective spokesman for the pro-life cause in the national media. You are a key player in promoting pro-life principles in the medical profession and the BMA. You know your facts well and can be relied upon for good advice.

It is often easier to be silent on certain issues, but you have not kept silent; you have clearly stood out against anti-life legislation such as the Human Fertilisation and Embryology bill and attempts to bring in assisted suicide. You have also been instrumental in the setting up and running of a new alliance of those opposed to euthanasia.

All this has not been easy, but we know the Lord has kept you. You have stood firm through opposition and are a valiant defender of human life.

We thank God for you and for your willingness to be used by Him in the pro-life movement, and we ask you to accept this award as a token of our esteem for you and our unity in serving God together."
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