Wednesday 21 September 2011

Support vigils to stop abortion

Next week the 40 Days for Life London team begin their third forty day vigil for an end to abortion. The vigil consists of forty days of prayer, fasting and continuous witness outside of a London abortion facility. 40 Days for Life joins in solidarity with our unborn brother and sisters and offers women, men and all those involved with the abortion procedure genuine hope, and a better choice than abortion.

This is an absolutely vital and truly effective pro-life work. For those unfamiliar with the practice of praying and counselling outside an abortion facility, the movement was founded by Monsignor Philip Reilly, who I had the privilege to hear speak earlier this year. Monsignor Reilly founded the Helpers of God's Precious Infants, who pray and counsel outside abortion facilities throughout the year.

As a Londoner, the positive impact of these forty days vigils is very apparent to me. After the first forty day vigil in London, the Good Counsel Network established a daily vigil outside the Marie Stopes clinic in Whitfield Street.

It is also exciting to see that Birmingham is launching its own 40 Days for Life campaign.

In May Monsignor Reilly told us "Unborn children should not die alone". They need us praying for them, for their mothers, and for the abortionists, and loving them before they die - just as Mary and the others did for Jesus.

He told us that the pro-life movement was maintaining the light as the world goes into darkness - and just as a light shines clearly and brightly in the darkness, so does the pro-life movement.

He told us that the abortionists need our presence more than the unborn children do.

He tells the countless mothers who tell him how much they regret their abortion: "You're a mum forever. Your child is with God."

No evil has ever taken place in the world, he said, which did not produce a greater good. The greatest evil which has ever taken place in the history of the world was the Crucifixion of Jesus. And the Crucifixion of Jesus produced the greatest good in the history of the world: our redemption. The culture of death is so bad, Monsignor Reilly said, it's hopeful!

Monsignor Reilly believes that the primary purpose of these vigils is to save souls. There is no doubt, however, that they also save a tremendous number of lives and give great hope to the pro-life movement. Therefore I ask that you please support these events in whatever way you can.

Both the London and the Birmingham groups launch their vigils next Tuesday 27 September.

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