Saturday 17 September 2011

I propose the 9 Million Children campaign

I began my address to SPUC's 2011 national conference by reminding delegates that next month is the 44th anniversary of the Abortion Act.

I said that these anniversaries are not just an opportunity to commemorate these tragic events, but to use them as springboards to turn the cultural tide that sees that at least five hundred and seventy abortions in the UK every day.

SPUC's recent successes show we can make a difference. Last February the High Court rejected BPAS's application that it be decreed lawful that women be allowed to take abortion pills in their own home. SPUC's intervention, cited by the judge, was vital in halting the abortion lobby's attempt to normalise abortion.

I also reminded the conference of SPUC's success in halting abortion in Northern Ireland last year.

We have to pursue our campaigns with a determined belief that we can make a difference. We urgently need to increase public awareness of the facts about unborn children and abortion. We need to get the pro-life message to ordinary people. We must aim to build up a grassroots campaign that will awake the sleeping giant of the pro-life movement.

The cheapest and most effective way of educating the public is through leafleting. That's why I will be proposing to SPUC's national council that the Society launches a nine million children campaign. We estimate that by the fiftieth anniversary of the 1967 Abortion Act coming into effect (27 April 2018) nine million unborn children will have been killed by abortion. By April 2018, we must aim to build a campaign enabling us to deliver nine million leaflets to nine million homes in one leaflet drop in order to convince the British public that abortion is a tragedy that they must help to bring to an end.

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